The History of Precise Castings Ltd.

In the autumn of 1986, in the city of Stratford, Ontario, Canada, the birth of a new and highly unique small company took place. The setting of this event was a former meat smoking plant on Lorne Avenue, converted meticulously into what would be the humble beginnings of a company by the name of I-Cast, a name chosen to represent the investment cast process.

I-Cast was born the child of a sand casting facility also in Stratford by the name of Magalloy Limited. Magalloy was an extremely successful 15 year old metalcasting business, with a specific and special need… offer diversity of choice to their customer base which was comprised mainly of pump and valve producing clients.

I-Cast was the answer to this problem, utilizing the “lost wax” process to produce castings of superior quality, dimensional accuracy, and high engineering value. Soon the first precision castings started rolling out the door at the 193 Lorne Avenue address in Stratford, marking the start of a highly successful new partnership with Magalloy.

As the small company grew, so did the customer base. The investment casting process was gaining acceptance by a wide and highly diversified group of industries, and soon I-Cast was outgrowing her facility. The new decade brought not only major renovations and additions to the now cramped facility, but also a name change, chosen to boast to the world that the infant had now matured into a strong world class business of specific focus……. Precise Castings Inc.

From her humble beginnings in an old smoke shop in 1986 as the child of Magalloy Ltd., the company has grown as a result of hard work and dedicated efforts by her Management and employees. In 1996, Precise Castings and Magalloy separated onto their own unique tracks, each taking a different direction. Today, Precise Castings Inc. proudly stands recognized as not only a major contributor of high quality products to many different industries in North America and Europe, but as a highly innovative and flexible organization, dedicated to the Total Success of our Customers.

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