Quick Facts about the Precise Castings Process

Precise Castings Inc.’s precision investment castings are manufactured using the lost wax, colloidal silica, ceramic shell mould process.

Design flexibility

Internal & external design configurations: We offer generous design flexibility for a wide range of alloys.

Elimination of material waste

Our castings are essentially cast near to size, decreasing machining costs and material.

Quality finish
Our standard processes can produce a surface finish as high as 125 RMS without further processing. We can supply a variety of other finishes at a reasonable additional cost.
Close tolerances
We can consistently produce to tolerances set out by the Investment Castings Institute.
Reasonable tooling costs
Initial tooling costs averaged over the number of parts to be produced are often less than other manufacturing tooling costs and you tooling will last for years.
Our process gives a reliable and consistent product from order to order.

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